R. Buckminster Fuller: Pattern-Thinking

The work of R. Buckminster Fuller (18951983) is among the most extraordinary and inventive in 20th-century design and architecture, not least for its incorporation of a range of intellectual and technical disciplines. Fuller described himself as an engineer, inventor, mathematician, architect, cartographer, philosopher, poet, cosmogonist, comprehensive designer and choreographer.”
R. Buckminster Fuller: Pattern-Thinking is a major reassessment of Fullers legacy in the context of design, examining his singular vision of new conceptual models for design and architecture, alongside his ideas on their potentially world-altering consequences. Drawing extensively on his archive and with over 300 images, the book follows Fullers explorations of geometry, language and intellectual property in their relation to design principles and pedagogy, organizing its survey of Fullers work through parallel conceptual threads rather than in a linear chronology of his career.
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