Pedro Páramo. 60 años

Published sixty years ago, Pedro Páramo is the literary work that now represents Mexico around the world. Great writers have considered it a masterpiece on a level with the classics and believe with good reason that its reputation will endure.
In the academic world as well, scholars from many different countries have devoted studies to Rulfos novel. Eighteen of them have contributed essays to the volume Pedro Páramo: 60 años, which offers readings of Juan Rulfos work from a wide range of perspectives. Essays by Jorge Aguilar Mora, José Miguel Barajas, José Luis Bobadilla, Dylan Brennan, José Carlos González Boixo, Víctor Jiménez, Julio Moguel, Paulo Moreira, Fukumi Nihira, José Pascual Buxó, Françoise Perus, Francesca Polito, Adrián Gerardo Rodríguez, Victoria Saramago, Alberto Vital, Douglas Weatherford, Heriberto Yépez, and Jorge Zepeda.
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