Out of Focus: Photography

Out of Focus offers an international perspective on current trends in photography with work by Mikhael Subotzky, Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, Mohau Modisakeng, all from South Africa; Olaf Breuning from Switzerland; Elina Brotherus from Finland; Anders Clausen from Denmark; J H Engstrom from Sweden; Andreas Gefeller and Nicole Wermers from Germany; Jonny Briggs, Mat Collishaw, John Stezaker, Hannah Sawtell, Hannah Starkey from the UK; Noemie Goudal from France; Sohei Nishino and Yumiko Utsu from Japan; David Noonan from Australia; Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou from Benin; Pinar Yolcan from Turkey; and from the US, Mitch Epstein, Katy Grannan, Luis Guispert, Daniel Gordon, Ryan McGinley, Sara van der Beek, Matthew Day Jackson, Laurel Nakadate, Marlo Pascual, David Benjamin Sherry, Mariah Robertson, Meredyth Sparks, A L Steiner, Jennifer West.
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