Nomenus: The Language of Flowers

Publisher: Nomenus Quarterly
Binding: Hardback
Language: English
Pages: 240
Measurements: 32.10 x 28.00 cm

For the second installment of Nomenus, a limited edition arts publication, Erik Madigan Heck has curated a special issue titled The Language of Flowers, that seamlessly weaves together a curated selection of floral and figurative contemporary paintings and photographic studies from Anselm Kiefer, Rita Ackermann, Helen Frankenthaler, Gabriel Orozco, Nick Knight, Mircea Suciu, Miranda Lichtenstein, Ida Applebroog, Emily Mason, Christophe Yvoré, Ben Sledsens, Martina Hoogland Ivanow, Brigitte Lustenberger, Alex Foxton, Kaye Donachie, Jesse Willenbring, Aubrey Levinthal, Erik Madigan Heck, and Tomo Campbell.

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