Michael Chow: Recipe For A Painter

Chow, Michael
Publisher: Pearl Lam Galleries
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 148
Measurements: 26.00 x 32.00 cm

Michael Chow was born Zhou Yinghua in Shanghai, China, in 1939. At the age of 13 he was abruptly uprooted to England, where he where he lost everything familiar to him. He studied art, subsequently working as a painter for ten years before deciding to take a break and open his first restaurant, Mr Chow, in Knights- bridge, London, in 1968. The restaurant became an international success, spawning locations around the world. After a 50-year sabbatical, in 2012, encouraged by Jeffrey Deitch, Chow picked up the brush again and re- turned to his true passion. This volume documents his return to painting.

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