Martí Guixé: Food designing

Guixe, Marti
Publisher: Corraini
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 192
Measurements: 21.00 x 27.00 cm

This book documents Martí Guixé’s work around food design, taking stock of his research from the very first projects in 1995 to the last ones in 2010. Even food may be designed: Martí Guixé gives here countless examples by squaring potatoes, building molecular structures with olives and toothpicks, decorating cakes with a graphic representation of their content, and even sponsoring food.

Tradition, communication and culture are blended in Martí Guixé’s projects and in their presentation in this book: the combination of curiosity, irony and precision of the Catalan designer blandishes the eyes and stimulates reflections about food and its context. Who has the ownership rights the food? Exactly when does the dish start to belong to the cutomer and no longer to the restaurant? Are there any right or ban on altering it, for example by adding condiments?
Right between classifications and gastronomic experimentations, Martí Guixé’s projects are “objectifications” of ideas in form of food, solutions to adapt cooking to contemporary life and to postulate new ways of relating with food.

The book includes 3 sections: the first is exclusively dedicated to food pictures taken by Martí Guixé and Inga Knölke throughout the years the world over; the second includes texts by Beppe Finessi, Octavi Rofes, Inga Knölke and Jeffrey Swartz, with a special section of FAQ about food design; the third is the complete index of all food design projects by Martí Guixé, with photos by Inga Knölke.

Martí Guixé was born in Barcellona in 1964. He lives and works “on living matter” between Barcelona and Berlin and collaborated for firms such as Camper, Chupa-Chups, Desigual, Droog Design, Saporiti and Watx. He has exhibited at the MoMA in New York, the Design Museum in London, the MACBA in Barcelona, the Mudac in Lausanne and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Food designing is his fifth book for Corraini after Toy weapons, Blank Book, Tattoo Book and Food Book.

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