Marcel Broodthaers: Charles Baudelaire. Je Hais le Mouvement Qui Deplace les Lignes

Broodthaers, Marcel
Publisher: Mousse Publishing
Binding: Softcover
Language: French
Pages: 16
Measurements: 25.00 x 32.50 cm

“I hate movement that displaces lines” is the seventh verse from Baudelaire’s sonnet La Beauté. Broodthaers “plays with the conventions of editing, which are part of the definition of the book: that is, each time he plays with the common denominations like the name of the author, the title, the place and date of publication, always with the same strategy of an occultation that affirms, validate and make present what is absent.” Birgit Belzer, “Marcel Broodthaers: The Place of the Subject” in Jon Bird, Michael Newman, eds., Rewriting Conceptual Art.

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