Many of them, the book.

Antonio Macarro realizó su libro Many of Them tras mucho años de analisis y admiración al mundo editorial y su estructura. Su poco convencional manera de ver la moda está plasmada en un libro de edición limitada, con tan solo 1000 ejemplares numerados a mano.
Antonio Macarro made his book Many of Them last year as a result of his admiration for and analytical interest in the publishing world and its structure. His unconventional view of the fashion world has been published in a limited edition of 1000 and includes chapters on: Stephan Schneider: Scientific Theory of Culture/Pelican Avenue: The Last Part of the Cycle Fiction/ The White Cape: Sustaining the Future/The Creation of New Worlds: Races, Types and Ethnic Groups/Raf Simons: Material World/ Antony Hegarty: Voice One/Bernhard WIllhelm: A Photographic Testimony Between and Beyond Science and Art/Elenora Salvatore: More Than A Pretty Face/ Sophie Auster: Good Bless America/Hermann Fankhauser: The Man Who Found The Missing Link.
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