Last train

Catalogue of Ron Arad’s Last train project (2013) The Last Train is our response to a Steinmetz (a diamond company – initiative and commission to create a work of art incorporating diamonds. Each artist creates their work on an iPad, using the Last Train specially developed app. Ron Arad showcases his extraordinary Last Train project, a theatrical piece of digital puppetry featuring the likes of Anthony Gormley, David Shrigley, and live from Beijing Ai Wei Wei, at this years Venice Biennale. In Naples, a criminal city at heart, the city where Ron Arad saw the haunting image which triggered his Last Train. The image of a man on a departing train, indifferent to his surrounding, absorbed in opaque self reflection, etching into the glass window of his compartment we know not what words or images. Certainly words of unlove and images of contempt, because Neapolitans are consumed by hatred for the present times, and convinced that some innate superiority has been unjustly stolen from them through an History written by others.
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