La Vuelta al Día en Ochenta Mundos

Cortázar, Julio
Publisher: RM
Binding: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Pages: 214
Measurements: 23.50 x 21.00 cm

Editorial RM is publishing this facsimile of the first edition (1967) of Julio Cortázar’s La vuelta al día en 80 mundos, designed by Julio Silva.

In “La Vuelta al Día en Ochenta Mundos,” Julio Cortázar creates a collage of scattered prose pieces accompanied by images and drawings, blurring the bounds of literary genres and transforming the reading of the book into a genuine adventure within his own literary, poetic, and artistic world.

“I owe the title of this book to my namesake Jules Verne, and to Lester Young the freedom to alter the saga of Phileas Fogg without committing an offense against it.”

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