Joseph Beuys: Four Books in a Box

Beuys, Josef
Publisher: Steidl
Binding: Hardcover
Language: Inglés
Pages: 600
Measurements: 21.00 x 29.70 cm

Four Books in a Box offers an insider’s view of some of Joseph Beuys’ most original works and celebrates the extraordinary 18-year collaboration between Beuys, Klaus Staeck and Gerhard Steidl. German political graphic artist Staeck started working with Beuys as early as 1968, publishing the artist’s postcards, posters, screen-prints and multiples. In 1972 Steidl began printing and producing Beuys’ editions for Staeck. Staeck and Steidl furthermore installed the artist’s exhibitions and documented in photos and video many of his lectures, workshops and performances – on art, life, and “social sculpture,” Beuys’ theory that everything is art and everyone an artist.

Each volume in this boxed set explores a specific Beuys project: his infamous visit to America in 1974, his installation Honeypump in the Workplace at documenta 6 in 1977, the Periphery Workshop at documenta 6, and the inaugural exhibition of Wirtschaftswerte (Economic Values) at the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent in 1980. Revealing the artist in full showman mode alongside more private moments, Four Books in a Box is a comprehensive look at Beuys the person and persona from those who knew him best.

To be a teacher is my greatest work of art. – Joseph Beuys

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