Ivan Navarro: Threshold

Navarro, Ivan
Publisher: Charta Edizioni
Binding: Paperback
Language: Bilingüe
Pages: 80
Measurements: 21.50 x 20.40 cm

This is a sumptuously illustrated overview of the work of Ivan Navarro, one of Chile’s foremost contemporary artists. Chilean born Ivan Navarro belongs to a generation of artists raised during the dictatorship of General Pinochet – an experience that shaped their artistic vision and gave rise to a new cultural expression. Navarro’s work springs from a singular investigation of the potentials of energy – by elaborating luminous constructions and employing the principles of energy conservation, he creates functional sculptures and objects that have great visual impact and structural complexity. Navarro is best known for creating works of impressive design whose fragility and high voltage undermine the seductive qualities of ergonomic perfection, and which address social and political issues, with an underlying critique of power and authority.
