Inbook Outbook Ifbook: An Artist’s Book Platform

Veisse, Maël
Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 208
Measurements: 17.00 x 24.00 cm

Library/IFbook is an open platform on contemporary artist books, designed by young French designer Maël Veisse (Metz, 1985) in collaboration with a+m bookstore and viaindustriae; the project consists of eleven mini-setups, conceived as “work pods” presenting editorial works by eleven artists: Banu Cennettoglu, Daniela Comani, Celine Condorelli, Documentation Celine Duval, Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson, Daniel Eatock, Dora Garcia, invernomuto, Markus Miessen, Helene Sommer, The Iinfinite Library (Epaminonda & Cramer).

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