Iconoclastia “News from a post-iconic world Architectural papers IV”

In the past, buildings and other constructions representing singular moments for the community were called monuments. Their origin was expression of power, celebration of ritual or collective affirmation. In the contemporary world, a project that aspires to be exceptionally expressive is commonly called an icon. Etymologically, an icon is the representation of divinity throughout painting with a strong coded style. They were regarded as the presence of God and the Saints on earth. But the tradition of Icons has its antagonist incorporated. The iconoclastic movement destroyed all the representation of divinity pleading that it destroys its very essence. The publication begins with a series of general texts on themes that vary but all share a common critical look at the role of the iconic on the recent architecture scene. Student projects also deal with this subject. Some of the texts were produced at a seminal symposium organized by the Chair of Professor Josep Lluís Mateo.
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