
High-quality residential structures are much more than merely a series ofndifferent floor plans. First and foremost, the urban apartment house mediatesnbetween the private refuge and the public space of the city. In thenprocess, boundaries between inside and outside are negotiated on a widenvariety of scales. Housing+ focuses on investigating spatial and architecturalnas well as social and communicative interfaces in residential construction.nThe publication is divided into four chapters Urban Planning, ThenGround Floor, Building Structure, and Façade to which sixty-sevenninternational projects are assigned. These four thematic focuses are discussedncomprehensively in the essays that introduce the chapters, and the individualnprojects are analyzed in brief under these same aspects. Comparable plansdrawn especially for this booksupplement the typological descriptions. The broad spectrum of projects selected covers urban apartment block construction from towers, block structures, row houses, and gaps between buildings, to housing complexes in outlying urban areas.
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