Flowers for Franco

The immensity of the place matches the immensity of the tragedy buried there. The highest cross in the world, 120 meters, makes the place visible from far away. It is only an estimation, but 30.000 victims of the Spanish Civil war (1936- 1939) are supposed to be buried there. Victims of both parties, nationals and republicans. The former to honor their memory and the latter for being an inconvenience buried in the roadsides where they were shot. And above all them, the remains of the one who ordered their deaths, the dictator Francisco Franco.
El Valle de los Caídos in the mountains of the Sierra de Guadarrama, 54 Km from Madrid is still a pilgrimage site for nostalgic and curios people of old times. A mausoleum for the winners and a mass grave for the losers. A chasm for all humanity.
Where the silence hurts.
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