Fin del Mundo / End of The World

Janowski, Nicolás
Publisher: Chaco Books
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 111
Measurements: 165.00 x 24.00 cm

In 1520, a fleet of four vessels sailing from Spain reach the Isla Grande of Tierra del Fuego. Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, the island was successively occupied. The spread of diseases brought by white men -to which they had no natural immunity-, professional assassins hired by landowners, as well as hunger and malnutrition, gradually wiped out the island’s inhabitants. By the beginning of the twentieth century, only 200 of them remained alive with only one surviving to the present day.

Nicolás Janowski recreates the historical imagery associated with Tierra del Fuego as a boundary-place, the last frontier of civilization anchored at the southern end of the habitable land.
The phrases in this book are fragments from various ship’s logs written on board of european expeditions that traveled through Tierra del Fuego between 1520 and 1834.

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