El Prado Inadvertido

Walks through the Prado Museum. For its classics and its forgotten ones. For its history, its stories and its nooks and crannies. Following in the footsteps of the classic Three Hours at the Prado Museum by Eugenio d’Ors, Estrella de Diego offers us a new route with a 21st-century perspective.
And so appear in these essential pages such as Las meninas by Velázquez read in the light of Pierre Menard by Borges, or the works of Goya; also historical paintings that today we see with different eyes and interpret with another perspective, such as Las hijas del Cid by Teófilo de la Puebla or Juana la Loca by Pradilla, or the sculpture of Hermaphrodite ; and forgotten canvases such as those by Clara Peeters or the splendid portrait of an African lion entitled El Cid by Rosa Bonheur, which was kept in cellars for too long, perhaps because its author was a woman and a lesbian, and if today we have to vindicate her, it is on all like a great painter to dry.
The unnoticed Prado moves between essay and personal memory and is a tribute to a museum that has accompanied the author throughout her life. A museum full of past and future; a living space, which is transformed through the looks of successive times.