C International Photo Magazine Issue 10 (Eng)

English/Chinese. C PHOTO MAKING MOVIES presents a visual outline of two related, yet unmistakably different media: cinema and photography. By including artists from both media, C PHOTO MAKING MOVIES attempts to convey the influence that the motion picture has had on photography on conceptual and aesthetic levels, as well as the way photography has continued to resonate through cinema.
Collector: A selection from the private collection of English collector and gallery owner Michael Hoppen: Araki, Nobuyoshi / Bourke-White, Margaret / Brandt, Bill / Breitenbach, Joseph / Jones, Colin / Lartigue, Jacques-Henri / Moon, Sarah / Moriyama, Daido / Papageorge, Tod / Sander, August / Szabo, Joseph / Tomatsu, Shomei / Walker, Tim / Winogrand, Garry
Norman McLaren: A series of images from the animator and film director Norman McLaren, who, during the middle decades of the twentieth century, produced an extensive body of work and made many innovations in the medium, among them his novel technique of drawing both sound and pictures on film.
Archive: A series of cinema-related images from Magnum Photos, reflecting the agencys long-standing relationship with the film industry. Photographers include: Arnold, Eve / Barbey, Bruno / Burri, Rene / Capa, Robert / Davidson, Bruce / Glinn, Burt / Smith, William Eugene / Seymour, David / Stock Dennis.
Scope / Portfolio: Altman, Robert / Cassavetes, John / Coen, Joël / De Palma, Brian / Dreyer, Carl Theodor / Doyle, Christopher / Ferrara, Abel / Fleming, Victor / Gilliam, Terry / Glen, John / Korine, Harmony / Kubrick, Stanley / Lasseter, John / Lee, Spike / Lynch, David / Mekas, Jonas / Mills, Mike / Polanski, Roman / Scorsese, Martin / Smight, Jack / Sugimoto, Hiroshi / Van Sant, Gus / Wall, Jeff
C Action: The grants for Issue 10 were awarded to Alfonso Zubiaga and Alexander Gronsky.
Vintage: C PHOTO devotes a retrospective portfolio to a series of stills from Swiss collector and photography enthusiast Christoph Schifferli. These unpublished images reveal the technical sophistication and artistic value of early Hollywood film still photography.
Guest features the work of Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar who has established himself as one of the leading filmmakers of his generation. He shares a mixture of personal photography, self-portraits and images from both his early short films and later features.
Interviews and Essays: Campany, David / Hoppen, Michael / Mekas, Jonas / Self, Will / Sen, Aveek.
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