
Meisner, Sander
Publisher: The velvet cell
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 52
Measurements: 23.00 x 28.00 cm

Over the past four years I have been photographing trees and foliage at night. But I didn’t index out with this aim. I was working on images of buildings for another series and found these plants and trees in the course of that work and shot them for my own pleasure.

The subject of these photos is related to my other projects, but is very different at the same time. I am interested in the hidden and unseen corners of cities, and all of the photographs in this book were taken in places that have been neglected or forgotten about, next to or near motorways, around factories and industrial estates. Every city has places like these. Everybody knows about them yet nobody pays special attention to them. This is partly why I like them so much.

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