Barragan – Space and Shadow, Walls and Colour

Mexican architect Luis Barragan (1902-1988) is famous throughout the world for his seductive treatment of colour and space. His unique persona and remarkable buildings have attracted growing interest for many years. In this monograph, Daniéle Pauly provides an overview of his life and his architectural oeuvre, his Mexican roots, the Mediterranean influences, his Functionalist period, and finally the steps to maturity as a consummate architect. All Barragan´s major buildings are documented comprehensively and analysed in the light of his life, enhanced with attractive illustrations that reveal his masterly, almost magical touch with space and shadow, walls and colour – a celebration of Barragan’s undeniably significant contribution to world architecture.Daniéle Pauly is an art historian and professor at Paris Val de Seine School of Architecture. She researched the material for this monograph in the course of numerous study trips to Mexico.
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