All About Prints. 500 years of prints and printmaking

All About Prints is a documentary that invites novices and experienced collectors alike to explore the art of printmaking from the perspective of influential curators, collectors, dealers, printmakers, and artists.
Shot in Hi-Def video at museum print rooms, print fairs, galleries, and print workshops in America and Europe, All About Prints explores the collaborative nature of printmaking, the democratic character of multiples, and the deep-rooted traditions of the art form. These ideas come to life through the exploration of masters of the 19th century like Homer and Whistler; the important contribution of Edward Hopper; the influence of Mexican muralists; the formative years of the Federal Art Project of the WPA; the excitement of the 60’s print boom; and the ever-evolving techniques of contemporary artists such as Kiki Smith who carry on the tradition.
Narrated by Juliet Stevenson.
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