Alfonso Zubiaga
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Alfonso Zubiaga (Getxo, Spain, 1958). After graduating in Economics Zubiaga moved to London in 1983, where he worked as a photographer for publications such as El País, Diario 16 and Viajar and for the films Greystoke by Hugh Hudson and Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom by Steven Spielberg. He’s lived in Madrid, Spain, since 1985, where he has his own studio and collaborates with various marketing agencies, magazines and publishing houses. He is professor of the master’s programmes in Conceptual Artistic Photography and Contemporary Documentary Photography at the EFTI school of photography in Madrid since 2006. He also creates personal projects and his work has been widely exhibited. 'To be able to pass the feelings that one has experienced onto others is a challenge. In these photos, the viewer is able to participate in the moments that I have had the pleasure of enjoying: the unusual fragility of the houses in Greenland, the harshness of the weather, the desolation of one of the least inhabited areas on Earth; the absence of the German miners in their abandoned mining settlement in Namibia. The uniqueness of the desert brings together the different scenes; in both instances nature in its extremes carves the landscape and encroaches on the human settlements. These photos are a testimonial of a moment, extracts from an emotionally charged film. Or at least that is the idea.' Alfonso Zubiaga is part of C Photo's C Action project. This portfolio earned one of the two grants awarded for each issue of the publication and is published in volume 10 of the collection.
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