From memory

Innes, Callum
Editorial: Hatje Cantz Verlag
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Medidas: 25.00 x 30.00 cm

Innes’s paintings are rhythmically meditative, the result of a process that involves the repeated removal as well as application of paint. Calm and authoritative, they nevertheless bear the traces of the controlled chaos of their production, of the creative and destructive interaction of paint and turpentine. With authoritative texts and extensive illustrations, this publication brings together the major themes and preoccupations of Innes’s practice over the last fifteen years. Paintings from his earliest Cento series Quotations, Agitated Verticals, Isolated Forms, Repetitions, Formed Paintings, Identified Forms, Monologues, Resonances and Shellac Paintings join a substantial body of Exposed Paintings, from the earliest to the most recent, and explore the development of the artist’s visual language.

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