Uniform. Order and disorder

Editorial: Charta Edizioni
Encuadernación: Paperback
Idioma: English
Páginas: 384
Medidas: 17.00 x 23.50 cm

Uniform: Do uniforms, object of fascination to many, unify or distinguish individuals? Do they create reassuring equality or disturbing diversity? The aim of this book is to reinterpret, from a contemporary point of view, the uniform as a prototype of male dress, focusing on the way the formal and technical perfection of military garments has become an advanced point of reference for today’s fashion. In Uniform, promoted by Pitti Immagine, edited by Francesco Bonami, Maria Luisa Frisa, Stefano Tonchi and designed by Studio Camuffo, art, fashion, film and pop culture coexist in parallel or often intercommunicating spaces. In an operation of cultural cannibalism the curators/editors use and transform a wide range of heterogeneous materials, which together document the cultural transformations and the use of the uniform as an instrument of order and transgression. Retracing the itinerary of a complex system like that of fashion, this book unveils its symbols.
