Viejas historias de Castilla La Vieja

Masats, Ramón
Editorial: La Fabrica
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Idioma: Castellano
Páginas: 119
Medidas: 20.20 x 20.30 cm

Isidoro emigrates from the rural to the urban world with » his small town written on his face». His country manners and thoughs made it hard for him to go unnoticed among the city´s anonymous multitudes and they enable his memory to recover the universe from which he will never be able to detoch himself. In the hands of Miguel Delibes, this story becomes a masterful literary exercise. Ramón Masats, with his splendid personal style, traces a narration parallel to Delibe´s text by mixing his graphic report on Castile with the narrative fiction. The photographic work buids a portrait in light and shadows of places that may well be those that Isidoro remembers but that also, thanks to that marvelous trope of the part for the whole, carry within all the small towns of the social imaginary. La Fábrica Editorial has recovered the legendary Palabra e Imagen collection created at the beginning of the nine teen sixties by Esther and Oscar Tusquets of the Lumen publishing house. It takes up the torch in publication of these works made jointly by great masters of literature and photography. Even today these are innovative books that generate a new language and take us on a magnificent journey.

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