Walker Evans: Depth of Field

Evans, Walker
Publisher: Prestel
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 408
Measurements: 27.70 x 26.70 cm

This comprehensive book traces the entire arc of Evans s remarkable career, from the 1930 s to the 1970 s. The illustrations in the book range from his earliest images taken with a vest pocket camera, to his final photos using the then new SX-70 because his regular equipment became too heavy to carry around. The book includes commentary from three of Evans s longtime friends, photographers Alan Trachtenberg, Jerry Thompson and John T. Hill. Their insight and first-hand experience give depth to their critical writings on Evans s work. In addition to offering a broad perspective on Evans work, the book also clarifies the photographer s ‘anti-art’ philosophy. Eschewing aesthetic hyperbole, Evans wanted his pictures to resonate with a wide audience. At the same time, his natural curiosity made him one of the most inventive photographers of all time. What these photographs and writings attest to is a huge and timeless talent, which came not from a camera, but from Evans s uniquely hungry eye.

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