Neuerscheinungen, hrsg. von Daniela Comani

Comani, Daniela
Publisher: Patrick Frey
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 104
Measurements: 25.00 x 17.50 cm

Neuerscheinungen, hrsg. von Daniela Comani (new books, edited by Daniela Comani) presents books we are all acquainted with, well-known classics that adorn our bookshelves. Dostoyevsky, Cervantes, Flaubert, Hemingway, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry or Robert Musil. Books we once read or should have read, now endowed with a certain sense of nostalgia, of past certainties. Or does she? Have we really ever encountered The Sisters Karamazov, Doña Quixote, Monsieur Bovary, The Old Woman and the Sea, La Petite Princesse or Die Frau ohne Eigenschaften? The protagonists of world literature, most of them male, undergo a miraculous gender transformation, seriously challenging our established notions of literary type and roles. Gender unease is made visible in a subtle and sensitive way. Daniela Comani’s art entices us to take a completely fresh look at some of the great classics of Western literature.
