Looking for Love, 1996

Soth, Alec
Publisher: Kominek
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 56
Measurements: 20.50 x 22.50 cm

In this new publication of ‘old photographs’ Magnum photographer Alec Soth goes back to his starting point. The series Looking for Love, 1996 speaks of the time when he began his photographic search in 1996 when highly successful projects such as Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004), Niagara(2006) and Broken Manual (2010) had not been published yet and Soth was beginning to use photography as a medium of artistic expression. These black and white photographs, show a certain fragility that exists within the moment of a first encounter. As the photographer explains in the short introduction to the book,
most of these black and white photographs were taken in suburban Minnesota and were then revealed by him at the commercial lab where he worked at the time.

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