Jonathas de Andrade: One to One (Ascendant Artist

Chong Cuy, Jose Esparza
Publisher: Prestel
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 144
Measurements: 27.60 x 19.20 cm

Themes of memory, love, economic inequality, and political upheaval are threaded throughout de Andrade’s work, which is often situated in Recife, his hometown in the northeast corner of Brazil. This includes the artist’s most recent works, The Fish, a 16mm film about fishermen who embrace their prey at the moment of their death, and para 2 em 1, in which de Andrade uses an instruction manual as a metaphor for homosexual love. By localizing his art, de Andrade makes powerful statements about many of the issues facing Brazil’s working class, including environmental degradation, urban blight, political inequity, and the loss of traditions and cultures. His multifaceted approach, in which he often collaborates with his fellow citizens, makes his work accessible, personal, and steeped in humanity.

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