Home, Casa, Hasiera

de Dios Solana, Mar
Publisher: Ediciones CO-OP
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Español/Euskera/Inglés
Pages: 20
Measurements: 19.00 x 30.00 cm

This first monograph published by the co-op label gathers the plastic work around ceramics by Bilbao artist Mar de Dios (Bilbao, 1992). Through ceramic, Mar de Dios moves between the functional and the merely contemplative. Among her pieces we can find design objects and also autonomous sculpture. Designed by Fran Fraca, the publication includes a text by the editor, Peio Aguirre, and essays commissioned to Pilar Blanco, from the Imatra project in Bilbao, and Estrella de Diego, essayist and Professor of Contemporary Art at the Complutense University of Madrid. The photographs in the publication were taken by Mikel Godoy.
