Cuaderno de artista de Juan Uslé

Usle, Juan
Publisher: La Fabrica
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Español
Pages: 26
Measurements: 30.00 x 40.00 cm

Juan Uslé (Hazas de Cesto, Cantabria, 1954) is one of Spain´s most prestigious artists in the international arena. Based in New York for more than 25 years, his portfolio is both unique as well as identiiable as a part of some of the most important public and private collections in the world. Awarded the National Arts Award in 2002, he took part in the Documenta held in Kassel in 1992 as well as representing Spain in the Venice Biennial in 2005. His work combines the delicacy of geometry and lyrical abstraction with the representation of a reality which is pitiless, supericial and troubling. Translucent strokes, saturated colours, parallel strips which cover a canvas full of matter and of light, lines and outlines which evoke the distance separating two countries – Spain and the United States – which have marked the life of an artist in perpetual motion; a sensation of travel which is a constant throughout his artistic career. The Santander Bank Foundation is honoured to present BITACORA LUX, a collection of twenty watercolours painted and selected by Juan Uslé for this Artist Book. Visual annotations from a logbook where light and the white of the paper are testimony to the concept of a voyage under construction, the solitude of the traveller in a universe with much greater space; the journey as an individual experience without time, the discoverers journey… «The voyage»

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