Book Night 2017 – Participatory event with Isidoro Valcárcel Medina

28 / 03 / 2017

21 April, 19:30 h.

This year Ivorypress Bookstore taked again part in the Book Night 2017 in Madrid, this time in collaboration with the Photobook Club Madrid. The event consisted in an open discussion about conceptual artist´s books based on the Ivorypress Collection with Isidoro Valcárcel Medina.

The conceptual Spanish artist Valcárcel Medina (Murcia, Spain, 1937) received the National Price for Visual Arts (2007), the Gold Medal for Merit in fine arts (2014) and the Velázquez Price for Visual Arts (2015) for his rigour in his work and his engagement for the arts and his critique towards the comercial tendencies of the market.

The participants were invited to bring books related to the ones in the selection in order to debate about them. The students from Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Escuela Superior de Diseño were specially invited to participate in the discussion.

During the event there was a guided tour to the permanent exhibition of the ivorypress artist´s book collection, wich houses pieces from more than 80 national and international artists, including eary predecessors, important works from the history of the artist´s book as well as recent examples.

The selected books are:

Ilimit by Isidoro Valcárcel Medina

 Andre by Carl Andre

Les Habitants by Malmö de Christian Boltanski

Crackers by Ed Ruscha

H.-P. Feldmann 1941  by Hans-Peter Feldmann

Cock Fight Dance by Sol Lewitt