Ivorypress en Paris Photo. Stand A34

14 / 11 / 2013

From 14 to 17 November, Ivorypress will participate in 17th edition of the art fair Paris Photo, which specialises in contemporary photography. The fair will host 136 participating galleries, of which twenty eight will be participating for the first time, including Ivorypress, which will be attending the fair with their on-going goal of promoting the photographers it works with and enhancing their international presence.

To this end, the gallery’s stand will exhibit the work of several Spanish artists, such as the two large-format photographs of the series Dauphin Island, by Dionisio González, in which the artist recreates, for an island in the Gulf of Mexico, aquatic, imaginary constructions, inspired in the palafitte constructions that originated in the Neolithic Period. Another work by one of the Spanish artists that will be exhibited in the gallery is Beirut Souk Shadows I, created by Cristina Iglesias through screen-printing on stainless steel. The piece was borne from the invitation that Rafael Moneo extended to the Basque artist to intervene in one of the projects that the architect created in the commercial district of the capital of Lebanon.

Ivorypress’s selection for Paris Photo also includes a large work by prominent German photographer Thomas Struth, from the series Unconscious Places 2. Under the title Buksoe Dong (2007), the image portrays a deserted street of the North Korean city of Pyongyang in which the photographer distances himself and tries to express a view of the metropolis and its architecture that is ‘open and innocent, without a personal narrative’.

Likewise, Juan Uslé, a Spanish artist based in New York, will be showing a selection of photographs taken in the late nineties and early noughties. Pieces that show the interrelation of painting and the photographic medium in his artistic career in their use of colour and geometry. Ivorypress’s selection for Paris Photo also includes various works by Estonian photographer Alexander Gronsky—who received a C Action grant from Ivorypress’s C Photo project in 2006—from his series Endless Night. The images, created in 2007, illustrate life in the Russian city of Murmansk, situated north of the Arctic Circle, where for two months of the year it is permanently nighttime.

Among the photographers selected are American artist David Maisel and the Italian Carlo Valsecchi, as well as the American artist of Spanish origins Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle. The latter will exhibit two photographs from his kaleidoscopic series Iceberg B15, created in 2010 from images and data from NASA that show a large part of the coast of Antarctica.

Additionally, Ivorypress’s space at the Parisian fair will show a selection of images by a classic master of photography of the 20th century, Miroslav Tichý, who in a voyeuristic manner, portrayed fleeting everyday moments with his handmade camera.

​Ivorypress completes its set with two works by South Korean photographer Bohnchang Koo, one of them from his series Portraits of Time, and the other from the series Pencil of Nature. After Paris Photo has concluded, the gallery Ivorypress Space will host the first solo exhibition of this artist in Spain in their space in Madrid. The show, entitled Slow Talk, will exhibit pieces from the last six series of Bohnchang Koo, where white and empty spaces are predominant.