On Reflection

On 22 November Ivorypress was pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Spain by British artist Vicken Parsons, best known for her small-scale paintings of architectural spaces and landscapes.
Entitled On Reflection, the exhibition was comprise the artist’s most recent paintings and sculptures. Made with thin layers of oil paint on thick plywood panel, the works have a three dimensional, object-like quality.
‘Vicken Parsons’ paintings are visual poems’, states Rachel Spence in the introduction to the catalogue published by Ivorypress on the occasion of the exhibition. ‘Delicate, diminutive, measured, rhythmically playful but strict on internal structure. Withholding clarity to open the way towards a more enduring light. Our gaze narrows to look at them just as our ear quickens to catch poetry’s music. We peer. Lean closer. Pause. Painting as comma of time as well as occupier of space.’
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