The Beginning / The End

Comani, Daniela
Publisher: Monroe Books
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Inglés
Pages: 48
Measurements: 12.00 x 17.00 cm

The Beginning The End is a collection of quotes taken from classic and b-fiction, like crime novels, and involves writing one book with two parts: The Beginning and The End. The two parts meet in the middle.
I collected two quotes per book: the first sentence (The Beginning) and the last sentence of the book (The End).
I used a symmetrical structure, where the sequence of extracts from the same book correspond for The Beginning and for The End.
The Beginning is a collage of mine: I wrote a new story using only the first sentences. Through the symmetry, The End became a story of coincidence.
Sometimes I change the quotes minimally. I remove the proper names, gender and the third person tense and turn them into the first person, as an appropriation act.

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