Stephen Wilkes: Day to night

Wilkes, Stephen
Publisher: Taschen
Binding: Hardcover
Language: Inglés
Pages: 260
Measurements: 3.60 x 49.50 cm

Although we did not move from a certain point for 30 hours and simply dedicated ourselves to observing, without ever closing our eyes, we would not be able to capture all the richness of details and emotions that evoke Stephen Wilkes’ panoramic views. He not only takes thousands of exposures from a fixed angle over more than one day, but later synthesizes this visual information in his studio, where he carefully composes the selected photographs in a single panorama that expresses his unique vision. , a book that invites you to leaf through it again and again, presents 60 of these ultra-epic panoramas created between 2009 and 2017, taken in very different places: from the African Serengeti to the Champs Elysees of Paris and from the Grand Canyon to Coney Island, passing through Trafalgar Square and the Red Square. Each image is a work of love and patience. Wilkes had to wait more than two years to obtain permission to photograph Pope Francis celebrating Easter Mass in the Vatican, and the result was a vivid picture in which the pontiff appears 10 times. After photographing the habitat of the Canadian crane in Nebraska, he spent almost three months reviewing thousands of photographs to create the definitive panorama.Each image, which merges up to 2,000 photographs in a single composition, transports us on a trip without interruptions from Dawn until dusk by some of the best known places in the world and allows us to discover the unique fluctuations of natural and human wonders from an absolutely novel perspective.

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