Modern Construction Envelopes, 2nd ed.

Watts, Harry
Publisher: Ambra V
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 521
Measurements: 21.50 x 30.00 cm

The second edition of Modern Construction Envelopes was originally based on the two books by Andrew Watts, Modern Construction Roofs and Modern Construction Facades . Both volumes were gathered into one single volume and consolidated in terms of content, which permits the consideration of facades and roofs as envelopes. This is of particular interest as to design and its creative freedom. Using current examples by renowned architects, Andrew Watts presents the constructive and material-related details. This presentation is based on an easy-to-understand text, photos, and standardized detail drawings, as well as 3D representations of the components. This approach allows for the easy understanding of the complexity of modern envelopes and offers know-how for one’s own needs.nnThe new edition has 3D views that are easier to understand than the first edition, with sharper images and more key explanations.

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