Luis Barragán en su casa de Tacubaya.Naturalezas del límite

Barragán, Luis
Binding: Paperback
Language: Español/English
Pages: 104
Measurements: 14.80 x 21.00 cm

In Barragán’s works, the wall that greets the observer as an element that separates the varying spheres: interior-exterior; sky-earth…with a clear emphasis on the sense of polarity. Which other limits define his work? How are they materialised? What causes them to fluctuate? Which are the variables that contribute to the architectural quality of a space? The author uses a phenomenological approach, using tools that reveal aspects of Architecture associated with limits will enable us to explore these questions and venture further into the mysteries enshrouded in Barragán’s works. A new way to approach the Mexican´s architect work, and to experience other architectural works using all our senses.

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