Level -1. Contemporary Underground Stations of the World

Baker, Lisa
Publisher: Braun
Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket
Language: English
Pages: 192
Measurements: 29.00 x 24.00 cm

Since the London “Metropolitan Railway” was opened in 1863 the subway has become a symbol of urban life. Tunnel systems are the lifelines of the big cities, transporting millions of passengers every day. The success story continues to this day, with existing networks being continually expanded and completely new systems being planned and built especially in Asia and the Arabian world.
Beginning with Hector Guimard’s Jugendstil entrances for the Métro in Paris, the design quality of the stations has always been an important aspect. With design, lighting, furnishings and frequently with artistic interventions, the underground complexes made of tracks, platforms and accesses have become the subject of great spatial creations. This volume provides an overview of the highly interesting and manifold current trends in underground construction around the world.

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