Kootut de Lux (Third edition)

Turunen, Pekka
Publisher: Self Published
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 176
Measurements: 20.00 x 17.00 cm

Nowadays, almost every new Finnish detached house has a heat- retaining fireplace installed. In his book about wood stacks, photographer Pekka Turunen has put together all you need to know about how life in an ordinary household can be enhanced by using firewood. The book has advice on how to survive the bitter cold, with guidelines covering the building of round wood stacks and the lighting of the fire, as well as the resulting particulates in the air. It also reflects on the sustainable use of forests for firewood production: To what extent should somebody who uses wood-fired heating consider endangered forest species? Kootut de Lux (The Lux Collection) is a cross between an art book, a small-scale scientific research project and a guide for amateur foresters, which might be picked up on a number of different occasions. This edition is its third reincarnation.

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