Jan Hendrix: Travel Diary

Hendrix, Jan
Publisher: Turner
Binding: Softcover
Language: Inglés
Pages: 160
Measurements: 222.30 x 273.10 cm

Fascinated by great, untouched landscapes, Jan Hendrix has traveled the world, from Spain and Mexico to Australia and the Netherlands, confronting and being confronted by primeval forces that, at once overwhelming and mysterious, constitute the very essence of existence. During his travels, Hendrix has regularly captured the landscape with a Polaroid camera, transforming these immediate images through dissection and reduction into essential, abstract shapes, which he uses in his silkscreens. In Travel Diary, the artist presents ten years of his drawings of nature the world over, alongside maps of the places he’s been. Specific subjects are the natural elements found in each place, whether trees, leaves, rocks, or rivers. Nobel Prize winner Seamus Heaney writes an accompanying text.
