Perdices, Alvaro
Publisher: Turner
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Español
Pages: 184
Measurements: 19.00 x 28.00 cm

This book brings together a wide series of photographs that travel through unknown times and places in the Hall of Kingdoms, the former Army Museum in Madrid. The images of Álvaro Perdices constitute an archive and visual device that reveals the corners, the absences, the shields without arms, the empty showcases, the reflection of the intruders or the feasts that have gathered in the remains of the old palace of Felipe IV . The approaches of this art and archive project delve into the ruptures and changes of this state building and its symbols over time. Texts by Juan Herreros, María Virginia Jaua, María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco, Manolo Laguillo, Álvaro Perdices and Manuel Segade. In co-edition with the CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid.

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