El Quijote encuadernado

Checa Cremades, José Luis
Publisher: Self Published
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Castellana
Pages: 192
Measurements: 15.00 x 21.00 cm

What bindings have covered “Don Quixote” since 1605? What illustrations have decorated it? How have they interpreted Cervantes’ text? This book studies the impact that “Don Quixote” had on the book arts, reviewing the contributions of illustrators such as Doré, Daumier, Jou, Picasso, Dalí, Antonio Saura, Manolo Valdés and others; of publishing companies such as the Mame de Tours house, Saturnino Calleja, Santiago Rodríguez, Editorial Gredos and El Acantilado, but above all it focuses on the interventions of 20th century bookbinders such as Paul Bonet, Fernández Argenta, Jiménez Burgos, Cristina Puyol, Zigor Anguiano , Luis Minues and Sophie Quentin. A profusely illustrated book aimed at Cervantophiles rather than Cervantists.
