Opening: Subverted

14 / 02 / 2012

On 14 February the group exhibition Subverted, with artworks by Edward Burtynsky (Ontario, Canada, 1955), David Maisel (New York, USA, 1961), Nuno Ramos (São Paulo, Brasil, 1960) and Carlo Valsecchi (Brescia, Italy, 1965) opened at Ivorypress Space I. The show shed light on the rapport between man and Nature, a relationship whose dynamic has been radically altered over the last few decades. Our culture’s way of understanding and looking at Nature has experienced a paradigm shift. Until the end of the 18th century Nature was believed to be a manifestation of a mysterious, superhuman force equated with God. From that moment on, it was identified with a quality that exceeds the human dimension, seen as ephemeral and transitory.