Julião Sarmento at the Carrillo Gil Museum of Art (México City)

9 / 04 / 2013

The Carrillo Gil Museum of Art, from the National Institute of Fine Arts of Mexico, presents Julião Sarmento. Una forma extrema de privacidad (An extreme form of privacy)—the Portuguese artist with the foremost international significance nowadays. Since his first show in 1976, he has been subject of more than hundred thrirty solo exhibitions, among which his participation in the Portuguese Pavilion at the 47th Venice Biennale (1997) stands out. In 2012 a retrospective of the artist was inaugurated in the Fundação de Serralves in Oporto, containing more than hundred eighty works made between 1972 and 2012.

\n\nJulião Sarmento. Una forma extrema de privacidad is his first exhibition in Mexico. It gathers very representative pieces of his work of the last seventeen years, from 1995 to 2012. Sarmento’s practice takes shape in paintings, engravings, installations, videos and performances of an enormous sensibility and lucidity, reflexive axis of which are the human figure and the architecture. These themes originate in the immanence of the gesture and work as visual catalysts for concepts, such as memory, sexuality, and the subconscious.

For further information visit Carrillo Gil Museum of Art’s website.