Ivorypress at Madrid’s Night of the Books and Sant Jordi’s Night at Barcelona

23 / 04 / 2013

In 2013 World Book Day took place on 23rd April. On the occasion of this global event Ivorypress organized two special activities in Madrid and one in Barcelona.

Bookshops Come Out On the Streets
Place: Plaza de Callao
Date: 23 April 2013 – 11 a.m. through 10 p.m.

All day long, Ivorypress Bookshop took out on the streets a special selection of book-objects and unusual format publications, as well as the latest releases of Ivorypress Publishing House. As a part of the initiative ‘Las librerías salen a la calle’ (Bookshops Come Out On the Streets) organised by Madrid Autonomous Community through the Spanish General Directorate of Fine Arts, Books and Archives, Ivorypress held a stand in Madrid’s Plaza del Callao, where the public was able to acquire some of the most specialised publications of the Ivorypress Bookshop’s catalogue.

Madrid’s Night of the Books
Place: Ivorypress Space, c/ Comandante Zorita, 48
Date: 23 April 2013 – 7:30 p.m. onwards

Ivorypress took part in Madrid’s Night of the Books organising two special activities. At 7:30 p.m. Ivorypress in collaboration with UK independent publishing house MACK held a presentation of photobook layouts. Both publishers’ teams selected the best photobook projects among the ones previously delivered by all artists and photographers willing to take part in this initiative. Authors had five minutes to present their projects. Publisher Michael Mack and photographers Bertien van Manen and Antonio Xoubanova had five minutes as well to comment on each project. The event was a great opportunity to learn about the latest techniques and trends in photobook publishing, as well as the work recently developed by MACK.
On the occasion of Madrid’s Night of the Books, Ivorypress also host a set by DJ Baughman (Hivern Discs/Geradehaus, Berlin) at 9:30 p.m. at Ivorypress Space. Berlin-based Daniel Rivero Baughman, aka DJ Baughman, has been resident DJ at Madrid’s clubs Low and Mondo and has performed frequently at Goa parties. Together with JMII from Aster and Moon&Mann, Baughman organices the GeradeHaus nights at Berlin’s club Prince Charles. He is also label manager of Hivern Discs in Central Europe.  

Sant Jordi’s Night at Barcelona
Place: Hotel Alma, c/ Mallorca 271
Date: installation on show from 23 through 28 April. Opening cocktail: 23 April – 8.30 p.m. onwards (invitational)

In Barcelona, the World Book Day coincides with the traditional feast day of Sant Jordi. Ivorypress celebrated the occasion with an installation at Hotel Alma that was opened to the public. At the Hotel’s hall, visitors enjoyed a selection of Ivorypress publications, as well as Ai Weiwei’s artist’s book Becoming. During the cocktail, Ivorypress Founder and CEO Elena Ochoa Foster made a brief presentation of Ivorypress’s trajectory as gallery, bookshop and publishing house, as well as of its many new projects.