Artists’ books Workshop With Los Interventores

12 / 03 / 2015

On the occasion of the exhibition ‘Books beyond Artists. Words and Images‘, Ivorypress invited you to participate in a workshop on the Artists’ Books, designed and imparted by Los Interventores. Photographer Javier Hirschfeld and visual artist Alfonso Silva photographer propose a theoretical and practical workshop about their experience in creating artists’ books: conception, choice of materials, presentation and distribution of the finished work.

The workshop was divided into two parts:

1) Saturday, March 14. Presentation of Los Interventores and introduction to the creative process behind their editions: conception and research materials. The artist’s book, context, serialisation and artists’ proofs as well as the history from the Vanguards to the present day.

2) Saturday 21. Approach to other materials and techniques employed by Los Interventores. Attendees will share their doubts and questions and will practice what they have learned through the creation of an individual project.

Place: Ivorypress Bookshop, c/ Comandante Zorita, 48 (Madrid) 28020, Madrid.