Presentation of Okaimal’s archive

27 / 05 / 2015

The Vanishing World Diversity project is a series of books that include most of the almost 100,000 images the photographer took throughout 40 years, with the aim to show the beauty of this world and denounce all that threatens it.

On this occasion we will present the book Diversity Threatened. Nature , Man and Culture, the result of the success of the exhibition of the same name, which includes 200 images that tell the story of our ecosystems, cultures and territories; transmitting to the public that all these beautiful places and people may cease to exist as we know them.

With the participation of the author, Eduardo Aznar, the cartoonist and writer Peridis, the vicepresident of Fundación Telefónica Emilio Gilolmo López and Ivorypress Founder and CEO Elena Ochoa Foster.