Book Night 2016

22 / 04 / 2016

22 April at 7:30 p.m.

El Diari Indultat. Editar y quemar

El Diari Indultat is an art project in newspaper format that was on sale for a few months on a crowdfunding website not only before going to press but also before the 51 participating photographers knew what their contribution to the newspaper was going to be. The only instruction they were given was to work freely for three days during Valencia’s Falles festivities, in which elaborate papier-maché puppets of a large size are burned in a fire. On 19 March 2016, once the publication had been edited and printed, all of the copies were thrown into the flames of the cremà except those that were saved through their purchase.

The project, which has sold nearly 3,000 copies out of 5,000 before even going to press, has attracted the attention of some of the most renowned Spanish photographers and professionals. Participating in the Diari are photographers such as Joan Fontcuberta, Juan Manuel Castro Prieto, Chema Madoz, Pierre Gonnord and Ricardo Casesamong many others.

Juan Valbuena and Eduardo Nave, creators of this delirious publishing venture, presented the project at Ivorypress, where some of the very few copies that have not yet been sold were available for purchase.

The event were also be attended by several members of the project’s team, including Pablo Chacón, Iván Navarro, Pollobarba and Julio César Gonzalez, as well as some of the photographers who participated in the project. There was also be a screening of the teaser for the behind-the-scenes documentary produced by David Linuesa and Llüiso Llorens.